The Divine Exchange

A Few years ago, while doing Beth Moore’s study on Esther, I constructed the following table illustrating some of the benefits of Christ’s Divine Exchange on the Cross, also known as chiastic structure, a Divine Reversal. In doing a repeat of the Beth Moore study A Woman’s Heart, the subject comes up again in Jonathan’s offer of covenant to David, to exchange his Royal Robes with David’s Shepherd’s cloak. The parallel is an obvious foreshadowing of Christ’s offer to us. It’s staggering when we think of it. Initiated by the Triune God out of Love for us. Selah.

The Fall: Sin-Curses
The Cross: Jesus
The Resurrection: Redemption-Blessings

Garden of Eden: disobedience

Garden of Gethsemane Garden Tomb

Garden of Eden restored, Paradise

Ground cursed: Thorns

Crown of thorns

Earth restored

Adam/Eve’s nakedness, sin—exposed, felt their shame

Naked on the Cross, took our shame

Clothed with Christ, Robe of Righteousness—sin covered

Exile from the Garden, separation from God’s presence

Momentarily separated: “Why hast Thou forsaken Me?”

Forever united with God—Christ in us, the hope of Glory, never be abandoned or forsaken

Sackcloth and ashes, robes of shame and grief

Royal purple robe of mockery

Royal white robe—a Royal Priesthood

Sickness, infirmities, plagues, “wounds” to body and soul

Wounded for our transgressions, iniquities

By His wounds we are healed—sin and all its consequences, have been paid for

God’s people: Loss of kingdom authority—through disobedience

Made Himself nothing to re-establish His Divine Authority (Phil. 2)

God’s people: Authority and power imputed for Kingdom work (1 Pet. 2:9)

Poverty, hard work (temporal and spiritual)

Became poor—also symbolized by His nakedness (cf. symbol Job used at loss of everything)

Become rich, have sufficient provision, temporal and spiritual (2 Cor. 8:9)

Consequential suffering

Voluntary suffering born out of Love

Redemptive suffering shared with Christ, leads to rewards

(Deut. 28:52-57 result of siege, curse)—“bread of death,” (total desperation to live: self-survival)

Gave His earthly body as the Bread of Life (John 6)

Live, have Communion, spiritual bread—inclusion, union, with Him and each other

Accursed, under divine judgment

Became a curse for us (Gal. 3:6-9, 13-14)

Be set free from the Curse: Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1-2)

Temple, death to approach improperly—LAW

Jesus’ death rends the veil, His Body was torn

We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit—GRACE

Division in mankind:


King of the Jews” printed in three languages: Aramaic, Latin, Greek—universal Kingship of Christ

One New Man, no divisions in the Body of Christ: no male, no female, no Gentile, no Jew

Woman initiated the Fall, cursed with increased pain childbirth

Woman birthed Christ; Woman the first to whom He revealed His Messianic identity

Women at the foot of the Cross; Woman the first to whom He appeared after Resurrection

Breathed life into Adam

Gave up His life, breath

Breathed the Holy Spirit into Disciples (Jn 20:22)

Death—all creation

Death/Resurrection—victory over the Fall and Satan’s work

Eternal life—for all who receive Him


I once wrote a seminar–speech, actually–called “Say Yes To The Dress.” The “Dress” being the Bridal garments, Righteousness, given us by Jesus for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. The “Yes” being the acceptance of Christ’s offer of salvation, the Betrothal. The comparison came from the traditions involved in Jewish wedding ceremonies here on earth–Jewish traditions and instructions often being the earthly shadow of Heavenly realities–and Christ’s analogy of His coming for us, whom Scripture calls His Bride, at the Rapture.

Whether my audience was as awed as I was by the parallels between a Jewish wedding and the Rapture, I don’t know, but I was thoroughly intrigued. As I was thinking about this, it occurred to me that our “mansions” are actually bridal chambers. Think about that! Each room will be uniquely tailored to the individual believer. Hmmmm. What will the guys’ look like? Big screen TV, chips and dip, buffalo wings, fishing pond, a chessboard, a philosophical discussion perhaps? And what about us girls? Quality time with Jesus actually interested in what we have to say, an art exhibit, symphony, chick flik, horseback riding, gourmet cooking?

Ok, so much for the tongue-in-cheek stereotypes. But do you get the idea? Whatever your innermost desire (in a relationship) is, Jesus is uniquely and specifically crafting your chamber just for you–for you and Him to spend time together. I suspect we don’t know ourselves well enough to know what we even want that to look like! But the One Who made us does. And He is planning something wonderful. How could He not? It’s Who He is.

Ah, those “desires of the heart” thing.

Waiting, It Can’t Be Long Now

God is the coming-down God: He came down in Eden, He came down to Moses, He came down to the Tabernacle, Temple, and people in-between. Then, there’s the manger, Jesus in Person, ascended to Heaven, promised to come again to earth. But before that happens He’s coming uniquely to take His Church, His Bride, up, up to be with Him.

“It’s time,” said the Father.

“It’s time,” said the Son.

Time for the earth’s travail

To be done.

There’s been enough horror,

Corruption and greed, depravity, and more,

Cruelty, and blasphemy—judgment’s in store.

There’s been enough

Lying, cheating, child abuse,

Pornography, torture—there’s no excuse

For reckless, willful disobedience

To what even nature displays as real:

There is a creator, there’ll be no appeal

For refusing to acknowledge what’s been revealed.

The ship has come in

Its number fulfilled.

“Go now, and do My will.

It’s time, My Son, the Midnight Hour,

Take up Your trumpet, go in power.

The mansions are finished, the Bridegroom’s pride,

Sound Your trumpet; go get Your Bride.

Creation is waiting, and so am I.”