Reflections on America

I grew up in the 1950’s, graduated HS in 1961, on the cusp of monumental societal changes in our nation. To say I have seen never-to-be-imagined shifts in values, mores, educational philosophies, political and human discourse would be an understatement at best, reflected in social media. Social media itself, of course, is not the culprit, it is, rather, the symptom, the vehicle of expressing bitter and vitriolic political and social speech. How in the world have we become so un-gracious, un-kind, vicious to one another? It’s rooted, of course, in mankind’s in-dwelt self-centeredness. Self-centeredness that has superceded all else. Even schools used to teach it is better to consider others above ourselves. No longer. Now, self-interest, including the interests of those who are like minded, rises above that sense of “other.”

No one who pays a modicum of interest to what is going on in our nation, and around the world, today can fail to miss the disintegration of all we once held dear. I am among those who absolutely believe God had a hand in the establishment and crafting of our nation. The Founding Fathers believed so, and that belief is reflected clearly in our founding documents–despite what the revisionist historians would say. Have we been a perfect country? Hardly. But have we also been a beacon for right and defense of the helpless, yes. Could we be better, certainly. But unless we return to the principles and values this nation was founded on, I fear God will finally say, “enough,” giving us His response to our rebellion against all He teaches.

Is there hope for us? Yes. But only in a massive “revival.” Change for good comes from good hearts, renewed hearts, and without that no political movement or legislation will fix what is wrong with us. Can it still happen? I pray so.