The Right Time

But when the time had fully come, God sent His Son, (Gal. 4:4 a)

We know that God does all things according to His will and His time, but I wonder if we truly appreciate the significance of that. Am I the only one who seems to just blow right by many of the things we take for granted when we read the Word? While doing my daily homework assignment for a Bible Study in Ephesians this morning, it occurred to me (lightening bolt, actually) that not only did He pre-determine the timing of my salvation, but the place.

Even as a child, though not raised in a Christian home, I was open to the things of God. I alone went to a local Methodist church in middle school (draw: the choir), but if the Gospel were preached there I didn’t hear it. As the years went by, I got wrapped up in all the daily living kinds of things. Eventually, marriage, children. But I think I would have been open to the gospel at any point, if it had come to me. Married 10 years–to an unbeliever–and 2 children in elementary school later, God showed up. I often wondered why now? Why at this point when I sure could have used Him sooner! Yet, and here is the reference point: I was saved through the witness of Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth, not published until the late 70’s, and we had just moved to a small but growing golf course/bedroom community east of Sacramento (population 200 then, over 5000 today). It was there that God revealed Himself to me, there that I was privileged to be part of a church start-up that is thriving today (not without countless stumbles along the way, mind you), there that I made deep lasting Christian friendships that provided fellowship/support/encouragement/growth along the way. Because we were a “village” removed from the nearby distractions of city life, we truly had to depend on one another. God gave me 35 richly blessed years there. Years and Christian life I knew when we left I’d never have again. Not because God isn’t faithful, but because it truly was a unique time. and a unique place.

As I pondered God’s providence–and as Paul says, the indescribable gift of His grace in that–I want to encourage you this morning, Beloved. If you are wondering why God doesn’t/hasn’t answered a particular prayer–maybe even one you don’t know to pray, such as when you walked in the ignorance of His Truth–Know that God is perfect in His timing, in the location of those answers, in accomplishing the most good for the most Glory to Himself, and gratitude from us! We don’t understand. But we don’t have too, for He is faithful to accomplish all His good plans and purposes for, in, and through us!

Selah and Hallelujah

4 thoughts on “The Right Time

    • Hello, sweet Kathy. Yes, those were the days, right? It was an incredible time for all of us. Unique in so many ways. Special in so may others. Looking forward to reuniting in the Rapture, my friend.


  1. Oh, my friend…beautifully written, beautifully inspired!! There’s a word at the end of your piece that has been a common theme for me of late. The word “gratitude” keeps coming up over and over the last few weeks, maybe even the last couple of months. I so want my hearts cry not to be…why, God, why…instead may it be…thank you Father, thank you.

    Love you bunches precious momma Judi :-) 


    • Thank you, my sweet friend. I see this another layer of praising and thanking God in and for all things–even when it is in retrospect. So many times I wished over the years that I had met Him sooner, therefore living a life more intentionally seeking depending on Him. But He. Today, I thanked Him for all the delayed answers to my prayers! 🙂


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