Lifestyle Gratitude

“Enter His courts with Thanksgiving . . .”

Gratitude is unnatural. That is, an expression that genuinely recognizes someone else’s thoughtfulness, consideration, provision is by definition “other-centered.” Human nature and modern society, in particular Western society, places special emphasis on self, self-interest, self-accomplishment, self-satisfying. Yet, if one thinks about it, who of us had any control over when we were born, where, to whom? Who of us chose our hair color, body shape, intellectual-athletic-musical-artistic abilities, basic health? Who of us sat in the prospective employer’s desk and said, “Yes, welcome aboard?”  Who of us gave ourselves “good press, good reviews, financial opportunities?”

It isn’t difficult for me to realize that I alone can do nothing. My meager attempts at gardening are enough to convince me of that! I can prepare the soil, fertilize, water, fuss over that new seed all I want, but I CANNOT make that flower grow. Not to mention, no amount of self-effort will ever make me a NASA scientist! I know that those things I can do are purely by the grace of God, precisely because of all the things I can’t do. Therefore.

Therefore, it is to God, our other, that we owe everything. Lifestyle gratitude recognizes that every opportunity, every success, while they can be capitalized on by us, nevertheless originates with God. His is the glory, His is the honor, His is the blessing. Even the hard things. The hard things can be a source of gratitude also, because they allow for strengthening, trust building, divine providence, and expressions of gratitude to God that are both poignant and glorious to Him in ways the “good things” can never be. So yes, God is the source of all we are, all we have, and it is to Him that we say “Thank You.” Thank You, God, for the breath in our lungs, for the light on our path, for the Kingdom of God made available to us through Jesus the Christ. Thank You for love, grace, mercy, wisdom, provision, opportunity, salvation. Thank You for beauty, color, music, art, the natural world, the stars, order, structure, standards of right and wrong, justice. And thank You for the promise that You are coming again in glory to put the world right again!