
The airport was busy as usual. Traffic was backed up and serpentine security lines snaked throughout the departure area. Those with special passes queued separately, passing through quickly. The activity was frenetic, people hustling and rushing to get to their boarding gates.

I watched as a man hurried in, confident in his own success. Impatient at the slow progress, people impeding his way. Double checking the departure information once more on the big board he looked for his flight: Rapture Airlines, Destination Heaven, Flight 777. Running late he dashed for his gate, noting the jumbo jet parked at the end of the jetway as he arrived. Arm outstretched holding confirmation of his e-checkin, the gate agent slowly shook her head. Looking up he saw the plane pushing away from the gate, jetway closed. If only . . . .

The man knew The Book. He knows what’s in store. Too late believing to make the Rapture Departure, but not too late to believe. Never too late for that. But the next few years until Jesus comes in His totality, and gathers those who then believe, will be unimaginable. How can he help others in the meantime? Help them to believe, help them to stay stalwart, help their faith not to falter. It will take divinely inspired strengh and determination to survive. Many won’t–physically. But to those who overcome Jesus offers eternal life with Him in Heaven, finally.

All the signs say scheduled departure is very near. Do we know the exact day and hour? No. But we can be prepared so that we don’t miss The Flight. How do we prepare? Believe. On the Name of Jesus, the only Name under Heaven by which men may be saved. We can be given a heavenly pass that puts us in the fast moving straight line security check. Bypass Satan’s Snags, come to Jesus today. Tomorrow may be too late.

Why There Is No Oblivion

The husband of a good friend, years ago, believed that we don’t need religion because when we die we cease to exist, go into oblivion. Nice thought, convenient if one doesn’t want to be held accountable for life lived here on earth, but simply not true. Lee Brainerd, in his excellent article about the New Heavens and the New Earth, https://www.rev310.net/post/the-new-heavens-and-earth-recreation-or-renovation, makes the point that God creates eternal things. If this were not the case, it would violate His very nature, His patterns, His plan for Redemption/Renewal of all things–because He is an Eternal God.

As Lee Brainerd mentions God tells us ,

“In Ecclesiastes 3:14 we read the amazing statement, ‘I know that whatsoever God does, it shall last forever. Nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken from it. God does it, that men should fear before him.’ This is an intrinsic part of God’s nature. The eternal God creates eternal things. When He made the angels, mankind, the earth, and the heavens above, he made them eternal institutions. Their annihilation is morally impossible. To insist that any one of these institutions will cease to exist is to impugn God with either a superintendence failure or a design flaw.”

Amazing, isn’t it? All of creation, mankind included, is created to be eternal. This is why our choice of eternal destiny–while alive to make that choice–is so very critical. Yes, critical. There are no second chances after death. Today is the day of salvation. No one knows what tomorrow brings. Come to Jesus today. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. The above mentioned husband of my friend had a heart attack and died before he hit the floor–he was in his 60’s.

Bingo And Balaamic Prophecies

“Many may not understand what a balaamic prophecy actually is. In short, it is the idea that God is sovereign over all of creation and can (and does) speak through anything or situation that he chooses. We see this demonstrated in the Bible many times – one of which is documented in Numbers chapter 22 when the Lord spoke to Balaam through his donkey.”

There are numerous examples in real life and the Bible of the Lord’s speaking though circumstances and people that communicate His plans and intentions. (see https://www.unsealed.org/2021/09/the-balaamic-prophecies-of-2021.html for examples). I have had an example, I now believe, of just such an occurance.

In May of this year I was having a conversation with our Lord about the Jewish Feast days and which one would be the most likely for the Rapture–if indeed the Rapture is to occur on a Feast Day. While sound arguments can be made for both Pentecost and the Feast of Trumpets in the fall, I was reasoning that Pentecost made more sense, as it is the only Jewish Feast Day tied to the Church. As I was saying this to the Lord, I heard the word “Bingo!” in my spirit. Now, this was prior to Pentecost this year, so yes, I was excited about the prospect. Nevertheless, Gideon that I am, I asked the Lord to confirm that was from Him by having me see/hear/run across the word bingo somewhere else. Now, this word may be more popular than I realize, but it just isn’t a word I come across often, or at least that I notice. Nevertheless, I began seeing the word every time I turned around. Primarily in novels I was reading as an “endorsement of a correct position” or “used to announce an unexpected event or instantaneous result.” (Miriam Webster) Only a few of the many instances of seeing the word were in the context of the game we all know as Bingo. I was seeing the word so frequently that I began counting.

I realize Pentecost has come and gone–unless we calculate Pentecost as a season that runs through Fall, a totally legitimate view–and we are still here. Because I am loathe to get too specific in asking the Lord about certain things, I “adjusted” my question to be more general in nature as I continued to seek Him: perhaps July 23 (a date postulated by a researcher I respect, but which we now think could be referring to Tishri 23, the 7th Jewish month rather than Gregorian 7th month, which he saw as the true Pentecost), or at least this year.

Yes, we are still here. But the prophetic indications and signs for this month of September are literally off the charts. Of primary significance is that this Jewish year is a Shemitah year, Sabattical year. On Rosh Hoshanna of this year (September 25-26) a new Jewish year begins, and with it a new Sabbath year. For reasons too lengthy to go into here, this is extremely important. Add to that numerous events set to occur on the world stage and the passing of Queen Elizabeth and installation of King Charles, a Klaus Schwab/WEF associate, and we are on the cusp of major endtimes prophecies being fulfilled.

I will leave a few links at the conclusion of this article for more reading. Back to bingo and balaamic prophecy. Like dreams that we have that can either be from the Lord or last night’s pizza, I hesitate to make too much of my bingo sightings. However, they are now, since May, up to 44! Then yesterday a couple of commenters on a prophecy site I visit both used the word, so I had to remark on it again in the comment section. Unbeknownst to me someone who has never commented on this site before (many read it daily, but only a few comment publicly) said the following:

“I was so excited to see Hmewrdbd comment on “Bingo”. Today I was watching TV and saw a commercial which was about a video Bingo game and my memory was quickly jolted back to someone sharing their experience about Bingo on this site. Unfortunately, I could not remember who and was too busy to go back and check. The commercial had Drew Barrymore in it and I would guess they said or showed the word Bingo at least 20 times if not more. Awesome that this would all come up today. H-mmmmm. No coincidence here.”

Oh my goodness. I did a search this morning for the commercial this person referrenced and apparently there is a new game app (I suppose similar to Candy Crush, though I never played that) being promoted by Drew Barrymore that can be played by individuals all over the world. Get that? Worldwide. The word in the commerical was like popcorn. This feels like the grand finale of a fireworks show!

As I contemplated all these things last night, they seemed to form a metaphorical bingo card with the squares all representing the major signs we have been seeing for the past several years. Soon the winning number will be called, the Trumpet will sound, the Shout will go out and we will go up! BINGO! Indeed. Addendum: November 2023 and still seeing “Bingo,” so many times I quit counting. Israel at war and Middle East a veritable tinderbox. Now just waiting for the grand finale: Trumpet Call. BINGO indeed!

If you want to be sure to be included in the winning game of God’s Kingdom–though it is NO game, your eternal life is at stake–check out how here: https://thisisntallthereis.wordpress.com/

Other resources:
https://www.unsealed.org/ many well researched and doctrinely sound articles here
https://www.postscripts.org/ Lu Vega is brilliant, he was the first (or certainly among the first) to identify the significance of the constellation alignments known as the Rev12 Sign seen in 2017. He is a college counselor, political scientist and amateur astronomer, graphic artist, acadamician. English is his second language and his writing style is adacemic. He refers to himself as “one” as in academic writing, rather than referring to himself directly. It may take more than one reading, but it is worth it.
https://endtimesdarknessdescending.wordpress.com/ deep dives, well researched
https://lynmelvin.blogspot.com/ upbeat with emphasis on hearing words from the Lord and including information from others in the Watchmen/women community

Letter To The Lost

Dear Ones,

I must try one more time to sound the alarm regarding the times in which we live. I have been a prophecy watcher since I came to faith back in 1979 and the signs of Jesus’ near return have never been as prolific and as readily identifiable as they are now. Given that, consider this statistic:

The odds of any one man fulfilling just 8 Old Testament prophecies, born at Bethlehem, preceded by a Messenger (John the Baptist), entering Jerusalem on a donkey and on a specific day, sold for 30 pieces of sliver, money which was thrown into God’s house and used to buy the Potter’s field, silent before his accusers, and crucified between two thieves are 1 in 10 to the 17th power. In visual terms, that represents enough silver dollars to cover the state of Texas two feet deep and asking someone to find the marked silver dollar while blindfolded. And that’s the odds of fulfilling just these 8. Jesus fulfilled these and hundreds more.

Intellectual honesty argues that Jesus Christ is the prophesied Jewish Messiah. If this reality is worth considering, then so too is the message of Christ for salvation. God LOVES people so much He doesn’t want anyone to perish but have everlasting life.

The events and conditions existing in the world today are all prophesied in the Bible: wars, food shortages/famine, diseases, increasingly severe natural disasters, inflation/economic collapse, governmental instability, violence/crime in the midst of people marrying and giving in marriage, building and planting–business as usual. Have these conditions always existed? Yes. Have they ever had the same concurrent worldwide effect and intensity? No. Things are getting worse, they will never be “normal” again, and a time is coming, soon, of chaos and havoc in the world such as cannot even be imagined outside reading the Book of Revelation. This is a 7 year period commonly known as The Tribulation. It is a time God has planned to judge evil in the world and to bring the Jewish nation/people to faith in their Messiah that they rejected the first time.

There will be a false messiah stepping on the world stage shortly, promising a peaceful solution to world chaos, probably in the aftermath of widespread war. He will deceive many and will, after 3.5 years, require every person on the planet to accept his Mark (think a type of digital ID/passport) in order to buy or sell anything. This Mark is a sign of acceptance and worship of him. It will alter a person’s DNA (think transhumanism) such that that person is no longer a purebred human, created in the image of God, and is therefore condemned to the lake of fire for all eternity. Christ died for humans, not hybrids.

Prior to this false messiah’s appearance is an event called the Rapture, the sudden snatching away of all believers in Christ to be with Him in heaven during the Tribulation. Once the believers in Jesus are gone, there is no recourse other than to be here for the worst 7 years in human history. Although many will come to faith in Christ during this time, they will still have to experience the Tribulation conditions.

It is possible to escape the Tribulation by believing in Jesus and being included in the Rapture. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 says:

“Now brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, and in which you stand fir. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures . . . .”

There is a humility in believing in Jesus–because He died for our sin, and the Bible is quite clear that every single person who has ever lived has sinned (whether in a small way, one drop of cyanide, or a big way, a whole gallon in the barrel). It doesn’t matter how “good” we think we are or how many good deeds we have done, God being Holy cannot be in the presence of any sin. Therefore, believing in the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross serves as a cover for our sin and allows us into heaven. All we have to do is admit we are sinners and ask for forgiveness, believe in Jesus’ death for our sin, and call/confess on God to save us.

I pray you follow the path of salvation. The time is short. Many many prophecy experts believe the Rapture will occur this year, perhaps even this summer sometime. World events are barrelling out of control.

If the day comes when I and others cannot be found, you will know what has happened to us. It was NOT an alien abduction.

Know that we love you and want you to be forewarned. We pray you take the way of escape.

At The Door

God the Father
God the Son
Stand in the doorway
Gazing out, over the horizon,
At the setting sun over corrupt humanity.
Faces full of rage, eyes filled with fire,
The Holy Duo is barely restrained
Holding back the wrath to come.

“Abba, We knew it would come to this
But the pain of watching it sears My heart, yet.
The relief is in knowing that the end is near,
And soon I will hear Your command
‘Go get Your Bride, bring this to a close.’

The signs are everywhere and those who know
The Story know that I am at the Door
Longing more than they for the day
When I once again set My feet on solid ground.
For then the evil, depravity, and greed,
The power addicted, deceiving, demonic herd
That prey on vulnerable and willing humankind
Will be vanquished once and for all–
Crushed and humiliated as the victory of the Cross.

In the meantime I wait, Abba,
For that last stitch in her Wedding Gown,
As My Bride makes herself ready,
Some unknown, some renowned,
But all who believe in Me.
Some are diverted, some distracted,
Others are watching,
Longing for Me, detached from this world.
Our Spirit is with her, in holy preparation
Also waiting the command to rejoin us
Here in the Bridal chamber,
In the home We have prepared.
Yes, she longs, but nothing compared to Me.”

Eyes filled not with fire but devotion,
The Son gazes once again out the doorway of heaven.
Enthralled with the beauty of His Betrothed–
Exquisite in her situation.
“Soon, My Love, Abba will release Me
To summon you, as I promised,
To bring you here, where I am–
A heavenly Ark, prepared for you,
Unlike anything you can possibly imagine.
Each room is carefully and lovingly designed
With your unique attributes in mind.
The table is set,
The wine is poured,
Soon, my Bride, adorned and adored,
You will be joining Me
For our heaven prepared feast,
Not an earthly type, but the true,
Demonstrating: My heart belongs to you.

Arise, My Love, and come away,
Hide youself for a little while
In the Shadow of My Wings.
Soon and very soon
We fly away from all earthly things.”


The Severed Branch Lives

A friend ordered me flowers for Easter. Among the blossoms were a couple of branches, in combination with some wispy grasses, used to form a cross as the centerpiece. There were tiny nubs on these two stems that made me think of pussy willows, yet not. The particular florist who creates these arrangements is an artist, and the groupings are always composed in such a way that as individual flowers fade and need to be removed those that remain still make a beautiful display.

The same friend was visiting us a week later and as we admired the arrangement, still smiling beauty back to us, I noticed that the branches, obviously removed from their source, which should not be growing, had sprouted new leaves and the beginnings of flower buds!

As we marvelled at the growth, my friend said to me, “I see a blog post coming.” Yes, indeed. What wonderful typology and symbolism here of life–from severed branches–from water–our life and new growth from Living Water. Even though the branches had been removed from their tree, when sustained by water they continue to grow. This is not unusual in the plant kingdom, of course, we often start new plants from cuttings this way, but somehow I didn’t expect this with growth flourishing in leaves and flower buds from tree cuttings. These will not grow roots, of course, but watching the blooming from what should have been dead branches is a wonderful spiritual lesson. After all, we don’t want to grow new roots from old, sin-stained, trees.

So like God. When we are born again into spiritual life, Jesus makes us new creations. We are cut off from our old sin-filled ways and planted anew in Him, to bloom again. Jesus tells us in John 15 He is the vine, we are the branches. We are grafted in to Him, the Vine, and His righteousness. Our dead roots are given new life, sustained by His Living Water.

There is additional symbolism that comes to mind, however, that goes beyond personal enjoyment of a beautiful floral arrangement, to the times in which we live: “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Matthew 24:32-35)

What is Jesus talking about here? The leafing of the fig tree, which represents Israel, occurred in 1948 when Israel became a nation. The Jewish people were restored to their historical homeland. Since then, and up to this day, we have seen increasing perilous times, dangerous times, times of instability and unrest, of all kinds of political, geo-political conflicts and natural disasters. War, famine, pestilences. Evil, depravity, and violence such as in the days preceding Noah’s flood. Yes, these things have always been, and there have been times of horrible world wars and holocausts, but the increase and intensity and scope of a multitude of prophetic signs, all converging at the same time, tell us the Day of Jesus Return is near. A time of intense devestation, God’s wrath, upon the earth is soon upon us.

But there is good news in the bad. There are many things yet to occur: the Rapture (disappearance) of true Believers, the 7-year period of Jacob’s Trouble, also known as the Tribulation, with all its judgments. The good news: it is possible to escape the coming judgments–by believing in Jesus. Jesus promised His followers that He would come for them, before the judgments begin, so they may be with Him in Heaven. This is a supernatural event known as the Rapture, a “catching up” of believers to meet Jesus in the air. Sounds too unbelievable? Too good to be true? Too easy? Only for us.

The blooming of the branch calls forth reminiscences of the miraculous budding of Aaron’s Rod, an almond branch, and the reference to fig trees in Song of Solomon 2:13:

The fig tree ripens its figs
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance
Arise, come away, my darling;
come away with me, my beautiful one.”

For a time, between the Old and New Testaments Israel appeared to be a severed branch. But God’s Covenant is faithful, the nation blooms again, and it’s time to complete the good work He began in her when she was chosen as His people. The leafing of the fig tree occurs in the Spring, at the time that tells us Summer is near. When we see all the things happening that Jesus says will precede the time of Jacob’s Trouble, we are to look up and know that our Redemption draws near. The leafing of Israel occurred 74 years ago, in May. The time is near for the final seven years of human history to begin. Without Jesus we are dead, severed branches with no hope. In Him we are grafted branches, branches that will forever bloom. Which kind of branch are you?

How to be included in the Rapture: https://thisisntallthereis.wordpress.com/

The Veil Was Torn

Today is the day Christians all over the world revere as Good Friday, the day Christ was Crucified, the day the Temple Veil was torn. Christians understand the rent veil to signify that God is no longer unapproachable to the common man, no longer do animals have to be sacrificed in order for humans to be in relationship with God. Jesus became the last sacrifice that would ever be needed. He, Himself, took all the world’s sins upon Himself, thus satisfying God’s requirement for justice.

The tearing of the Temple Veil was a miracle in that it was so thick and so high that it took 300 priests to position it place before the Holy of Holies. No man could have torn it. Only God. And this tearing, that opened up the way to the Holy of Holies, could only have been accomplished by the tearing of Christ’s Body, God’s endorsement of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross–now making way for a New Covenant, a Covenant of Grace, God offered, God accomplished.

But the price Jesus paid was hideous. Any one who has seen the movie The Passion of The Christ knows how brutal Christ’s sacrifice was. So how could anyone celebrate a man’s death, you ask? That question, perhaps, only has meaning in the parts of the world whose culture honors and values human life, enemy and friend.

We honor the day Christ died because the veil was torn. The Age of Grace began, it is a New Covenant. As someone else said, “Jesus owned the cross.” Oh Yeah He did! And as such He made a way for us, by defeating the powers of death and hell on that cross! All who choose to believe this Gospel now have access to God and Heaven.

And this is the gospel the Apostle Paul declares in 1 Corinthians 15:1-5: “Now, brothers, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, and in which you stand firm. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas and then to the Twelve.” (emphasis added)

That is, He died, He was buried, He was raised on the third day. But wait, there’s more. The Resurrection Story doesn’t stop here. While the work of Redemption, the path to reconciliation with God through the forgiveness of sin, was finished on the Cross, the Jesus story was not. Jesus is in heaven right now with His Father preparing a place for all those who believe in Him to spend eternity in His house. That means, He is not going to leave us here in this evil world; He is coming back to take those who believe in Him to heaven to be with Him, where He is. It’s an event called the harpazo in Greek, rapturo in Latin, from which we get the English word rapture (and yes, it is in the Bible, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). This is the sudden “catching away” of believers prior to the 7-year period of human history known as the time of Jacob’s Trouble, often called the Tribulation.

Anyone who is paying attention knows that the world is in deconstruction mode: health crises, geo-political conflicts, natural disasters, severe weather, moral depravity, staggering violence and crime, out of control inflation, political instability, food shortages, rampant human and child trafficking and the list goes on. It is not going to get better, there is no going back to “normal” no matter how hard people try, or deny their eyes. The Bible, whose prophecies so far have been 100% accurate, tells us a period of devestation is on the horizon that the world has never seen.

It is coming. But, so is Jesus. If you want to escape, to be out of this sin-sick, evil world, if you want to be in relationship with the God of love and grace, then believe in Jesus. When the Tribulation begins, it will be a time of God’s judgment and wrath. He cannot let all the evil committed throughout human history go unjudged. You don’t want to be here for it.

Choose Jesus. Jesus hung on that cross for you (and me). Jesus looks down from the cross at you, loving you, inviting you. The Veil was torn for you.


It’s been many years now since I entered the season of sensible shoes. I’m now a year shy of eight decades and have entered the season of fugitive information. You know the kind, that word or phrase that plays hide-and-seek in the back of your mind, and the harder you seek, the harder it hides, dashing in and out amongst the forest of memories. Until. Three days later, out of the blue, the lost tidbit pops up, out of context, just because it can.

The human brain is an astounding organ. We are, after all, created in the image of the invisible God of all Creation. Thankfully, He never forgets anything! Well, that isn’t entirely true, for He promises to forget out sins, once confessed and repented of. Indeed, as far as the East is from the West, He says. Our sins don’t play hide-and-seek in the back of His mind, just waiting to pop up and accuse us again. No, that is the work of the Devil, the Accuser of the Brethren, who are God’s Beloved people.

Often, out of false guilt, we do it to ourselves. Even once genuine guilt has been brought before the Lord, and forgiven by Him, we can’t seem to let go of the shame, the memory, ourselves. This is information we wish were fugitive. It can be. Sometimes we need to forgive ourselves. The Lord shared with me, many years ago, that not forgiving myself was akin to thinking I had higher standards of human conduct than He does! Oops. After all, if He has forgiven me, who am I to hold to higher standards than His by not doing so as well? Isn’t that the epitome of pride? I am more righteous (translate that SELF-righteous) than He? Oops again. Pride, that sneaky devil, no pun intended, seems to show up even in the most well intentioned positions we hold.

While it may seem the height of hubris that we could forgive ourselves–after all, that is the province of the Holy One–it can perhaps be seen in the same light as forgiving another person who has injured us. Certainly our sin injures not only others, but ourselves as well. Sometimes the injury is direct, sometimes indirect, but sin always injures. At the very least hanging on to shame and guilt inhibits future effectiveness. It is a hindrance. A hindrance to holy living. To feeling worthy to ever be used of God for any good purpose.

This is the day, the day to put aside all things that interfere with our walking closely with the Lord. Each day is a new start, His mercies are new every morning.

Blessed Assurance

Last night, my husband expressed a doubt regarding his salvation. We had been discussing The Rapture, that instantaneous event at which Jesus calls all who believe in Him into the air to be with Him in heaven–prior to the 7 year period known as the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, or the Tribulation. To this I compiled a list of Scripture verses to help put his mind at rest. I hope it will do the same for any who pass by here and are not convinced, assured, of their place in Jesus.

First, let me reiterate why we need salvation at all. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, they were punished with the eventual death of their mortal bodies. This introduced sin/death into human DNA. Therefore, we are all sinners, from birth. I know that is hard for some to accept, that we are condemned before we ever say or do anything. Lest any of us think we might have done better than Adam and Eve, who do you know who has never sinned, even in some small way–white lies, pride, impure thoughts? Scripture teaches in Romans 6, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” All, yes, means all, no one has an excuse. It is for this reason that God sent His Son, Jesus, to die on the Cross as payment for our sins, gaining our pardon, so that all–and here’s the kicker–who believe in Him, might be reconciled to God and live eternally in heaven with Him. Just belief, faith, no human effort required.

Jesus’ sacrifice provides the way of pardon for our sin. However, although the pardon is available to all, it is not a blanket pardon for all. We must each accept that pardon, individually. The following Scripture verses outline these truths and lead us to the Blessed Hope, the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ in The Rapture.

Here is how to be included among all those who rise up with Him.

Truth: It is God’s desire for all to be saved

John 3:5-7

Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit Flesh is born of flesh, but spirit is born of the Spirit. Do not be amazed that I said, ‘You must be born again.’

John 3:16-18

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe has already been condemned, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise as some understand slowness, but is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance.

The Gospel

I Corinthians 15:1-4

Now I would remind you, brothers, the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain. For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures . . . .

If you believe these things, ask for forgiveness, and accept the pardon Jesus offers through His atoning death, burial, and resurrection, then this is your assurance of salvation:

Romans 10:8-10

“The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified [acquitted], and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.

And Romans 10:13

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

And Finally
For all who believe and are born again spiritually through that belief

Titus 2:13

. . . awaiting the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ [THE RAPTURE]

1 Corinthians 15:50-53

I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. (emphasis added)

1 Thessalonians 4:15-16

By the word of the Lord, we declare to you that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will be the first to rise. After that, we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will always be with the Lord. (emphasis added)

Thank You, Jesus, You’re the best! Amen, and amen.

Divine Reversals

Below is a chart of just some of the things Jesus accomplished for us on the Cross. Because He has reversed the curse of sin and death, we too, by virtue of the imputed authority he gives us to advance Kingdom work here on earth, can pray for divine reversals in the lives of others.

Chiastic Structure, Genesis 50:20
The Divine Exchange/Reversal

The Fall
Eternal Death/Hell
Jesus The Cross
The Resurrection Eternal Life/Heaven
Garden of Eden: disobedienceGarden of Gethsemane Garden TombGarden of Eden restored, Paradise, New Jerusalem
Ground cursed: Thorns
Crown of thornsEarth restored, no more thorns/pain
Adam/Eve’s nakedness—sin exposed, felt their shameNaked on the Cross, took our shameClothed with Christ, Robe of Righteousness—sin covered
Exile from the Garden, separation from God’s presenceMomentarily separated: “Why hast Thou forsaken Me?”Forever united with God—Christ in us, the hope of Glory, never be abandoned or forsaken
Sackcloth and ashes, robes of shame and griefRoyal purple robe of mockeryRoyal white robe—a Royal Priesthood, rule and reign with Christ in the coming Kingdom
Sickness, infirmities, plagues, “wounds” to body and soulWounded for our transgressions, iniquitiesBy His wounds we are healed—sin and all its consequences, physical and spiritual, have been paid for
Mankind’s loss of kingdom authority—through disobedience (Ex. 19:6 )Made Himself nothing to re-establish His Divine Authority over all creation (Phil. 2)God’s people: Authority and power imputed for Kingdom work (1 Pet. 2:9)
Poverty, hard work (temporal and spiritual)Became poor—also symbolized by His nakedness (cf. symbol Job used at loss of everything he had: naked I came, naked I go)Become rich, have sufficient provision, temporal and spiritual (2 Cor. 8:9)
Consequential suffering, leads to lossVoluntary suffering born out of LoveRedemptive suffering shared with Christ, leads to rewards
Mankind Accursed, under divine judgmentBecame a curse for us, Gal. 3:6-9, 13-14Set free from the Curse: Law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus
Temple, death to approach improperly—LAWJesus’ death rends the veil, His Body was tornWe are now the Temple of the Holy Spirit—GRACE
Division/alienation in mankind: ethnic, relational, social, political, national, religious“King of the Jews” printed in three languages: Aramaic, Latin, Greek—symbolizing universal Kingship of ChristUnity, One New Man, no divisions in the Body of Christ
Woman initiated the Fall, cursed with increased pain childbirthWoman birthed Christ Woman the first to whom He revealed His Messianic identityWomen at the foot of the Cross Woman the first to whom He appeared after Resurrection
Angels barred entrance to the Garden after the FallAngels announced Christ’s arrival, ministered to Him in GethsemaneAngels opened the tomb, announced His Resurrection!
Death—all creation
Death/Resurrection—victory over the Fall and Satan’s enterprisesEternal life—for all who receive Him
Serpent—cursed (temporary victory in deceiving Eve/Fall)Jesus lifted up on the Cross, like the brass serpent, heals the sin curseSerpent defeated! Jesus’ Victory, reigns forever!

As I was praying the other day, I began to ask God for exchanges in the lives of those I was praying for:

  • bitterness for sweet
  • resentment for forgiveness, release
  • pride for humility
  • hurtful loud, accusing words for gentle words that bring life
  • selfish interest for generosity, others focus
  • worldly ambition for godly purpose
  • anger for compassion and understanding
  • strife for peace
  • worldliness for godliness
  • baseness for nobility
  • fearfulness for courage
  • ambivalence for godly wisdom and determination
  • deception for truth
  • confusion for clarity
  • insecurity for godly security
  • darkness for light
  • demonic influence for godly angelic ministering
  • relational death for life

These things seem to be part and parcel of the human condition, don’t they. Though I often forget, I need to start first with me, then for others when I pray these kinds of prayers. In Christ, we can ask for, and submit to ourselves, divine reversals that put the power of Jesus on display for His glory and the sweet fragrance of His victory in the lives of men, women, and children He cares about.

Jesus, You died that we may live, that we may exchange destruction for brokenness, fracture for wholeness. Whereas the Devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, You come to give life, and give it abundantly. I pray for all the Saints in Christ Jesus this day, that You may glorify Yourself by divine exchanges in our lives today. Thank you, Jesus, You’re the best, amen.