Via Dolorosa Tapestry

We know from Scripture that God chooses those in Him from before creation: Ephesians 1:4, “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.”

We also know from Psalm 139 that all our days are all written in God’s book before we are even born. We know from elsewhere in Scripture that God has a plan and purpose not only for the world, nations, and people groups, but also for us as individuals.

What those plans are, and how they look, are as varied as we are. Perhaps that is why some people seem to have an easy road and some do not. We don’t know why that is, other than God is God and we are not. What we do know is that God is eternally faithful, He is eternally just, He is eternally sovereign, He is eternally good. Because of that we can trust Him when He says He works all things together for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose, Romans 8:28.

A woman in prayer to the Lord heard the words:

My child, encourage My people with My words: 

I see your journey from a perspective that you are not able to completely understand now. But, very, very soon you will understand the suffering in this life. I have given you parts of the bigger picture, a glimpse into the reason and meaning behind why there must be suffering while you are here. But, as My Spirit comes to pour out in full measure, your spiritual eyes will see clearly, and you will rejoice in that you suffered well. For those who have suffered much, I am here. I have always been here. I have not only walked beside you through this life, but I go before you. I am your Rear Guard. I hedge you in on all sides, but most importantly, I am within. 

There is a price to pay, yes, for following Me and for walking in obedience. Suffering in this life may not seem to bring a desirable outcome from your perspective, but it is the heart in the suffering that I see. I see all of you who are My hidden but fierce warriors. You who are no one to the world. You who suffer alone and without physical comfort from another. You who suffer long, hard, and much. Let Me assure you My beautiful ones. I see every tear. I hear every thought. I hold you and I comfort you from within. It is I who gives you the inner strength to go one more minute, one more hour, one more day, not giving in to despair, doubt or fear, but rather praising Me all the more that you are chosen. 

I was with you from your beginning, as I chose you for this reason, because I saw you would suffer well. I saw your fierce faithfulness and your stedfast endurance, your quiet obedience in the suffering, and I said yes, you are My beloved. You will glorify Me much in your suffering and the reward will far outweigh the cost for the short time that you are here. 

You trust Me for the outcome, and you believe that I will heal you at the appointed time. Even without the full understanding, you accept what I allow for you, and you don’t complain or become bitter. Your testimony will be so powerful for others, and I will manifest Myself to them through you. 

I am coming for you sooner than you think.. 

Continue to seek Me in every moment, pray and talk to Me without ceasing. 

I love you My beloved ones. I love you,



My love is eternal, and as an expression of My love manifested in and through My children, I have created an interwoven tapestry of  My children’s journeys, as they go through this life and the fires of affliction that I allow to greater intimacy in Me. It is made up of all of your struggles, sufferings, and triumphs, and it highlights the heart motive of each life decision you have made in the depth of color and brilliance displayed. Each decision a person makes to walk in greater faith and obedience and what I have called them to do produces an outcome in the spirit. This in turn affects how each thread is added and how all are connected to display the beauty and brilliance of My design. It is a wonder to behold! 

My beloved ones, you are precious in My sight, and this life is filled with so much that you don’t fully understand. But, the time is coming when you will and great will be your reward in heaven! Hold on to My truths and My promises and rejoice! I am always with you in your sufferings, and I sit with you in the ashes. Will you praise Me and continue to walk in greater faith, even in affliction? Let not bitterness take root, but give me your sufferings, as you have given Me your hearts and your lives. I am always with you. You are loved beyond measure My precious ones. Hold fast ’til I come. 


You may have heard the analogy of our lives looking like a tapestry from below. All we see are the loose threads hanging down, in total disarray, making no sense whatever. But what God sees from the top is a beautiful picture of what He’s fashioning of your life. With the words above, another image comes to mind. One, frankly, I had never thought of. A larger tapestry, one composed of the lives and choices of hundreds, thousands, of saints. Thinking in these terms, for me, sheds a whole new light on suffering. We will never understand the need for suffering in this life, nor why some seem to suffer so much more than others. But, what if all our sorrows, and our choices to love and obey and praise Him anyway, contribute to a tapestry of glory we can only dream of. What if this cosmic tapestry is similar to a quilt wherein the sections depict different portions of God’s grand design and callings for those who comprise His Bride?

I’ve often thought of myself as no more than a stitch on the inseam of the Bride’s wedding dress. But that stitch, insignificant as it is, is still necessary and a part of the whole. 

If God has called you to be one of the suffering ones, and certainly we all suffer to some extent, know that He chose you before the foundation of the world–because He knew He could trust you to suffer well: to continue to praise Him and love Him, even in the darkness. Rejoice, Beloved. Stand fierce in your faith. When we finally get to see the topside of the Tapestry, all will make sense and we will agree that God has known what He was doing all the time. 

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